27 September | 9:00 a.m. | ZOOM
Stories from the teacher
One thing that fascinates human beings is other human beings. And as the teacher, your students will be naturally curious about you. Sharing stories with students does not mean trying to impress them. In fact, the most valuable stories might be those which are meaningful but unremarkable. In this practical talk, I would like to build a case for bringing teacher-led storytelling to the front of the class. We will explore places to find stories, how to make them interactive and even enhance them with AI images.
Jamie Keddie is a renowned teacher, trainer and storyteller who has inspired educators across more than 40 countries. He is well-known for his innovative story-based lesson plans, featured on his platform LessonStream. Jamie is the author of ‘Images’ and ‘Bringing Online Video into the Classroom’ (both with Oxford University Press), as well as ‘Videotelling: YouTube Stories for the Classroom’ (LessonStream Books, 2017). He is also an affiliate trainer at Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE) in the UK.