27 September | 11:10 a.m. | ZOOM
Eco-friendly assessment: when learning, teaching and testing become one
By bringing together socio-constructivist pedagogy, assessment validity, ecological linguistics, assessment for learning and learning-oriented assessment, we see the classroom as an ecosystem where the alignment of all the elements leads to better learning. In this session, we will explore how the way we integrate assessment into this ecosystem is crucial and will look at principles that enable us to make decisions with maximum impact.
Pablo Toledo is an English teacher and teacher trainer (ISP “Joaquín V. González”). He holds Postgraduate Advanced Certificate in Educational Assessment from the University of Cambridge and a diploma in education policy from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Before joining Cambridge Assessment English, he managed projects in the areas of remote teaching, internationalisation of higher education and language teaching to refugees for the British Council and led the Education department of the Buenos Aires Herald newspaper. He is the vice-president of LAALTA (Latin American Association of Language Testing and Assessment.