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September 27th, 2019


Paracas 1 – 2:00 pm

Picture of Brad Bawtinheimer

Brad Bawtinheimer

Cambridge University Press-01

GRIT: Resilience and Well-Being

Angela Lee Duckworth defines GRIT as passion and perseverance for long term goals. She has investigated what makes children and adults succeed in life. According to her research, it is not I.Q, social intelligence or a number of other indicators. Results of her numerous studies showed the number one factor in success was GRIT (resilience) and emotional well-being. In this workshop, participants will be first asked to reflect on a number of questions about their own resilience when they are faced with day to day struggles. This will be followed up by thinking about their students and their ability to bounce back in daily personal or academic struggles. Beyond resilience, well-being is another factor to consider for achieving long-term goals. By examining what some leading schools are doing in this area to promote mental health and well-being, we’ll pinpoint concrete ideas schools and teachers can implement in their own setting.

Brad Bawtinheimer, originally from Canada, is an international speaker and co-author of textbooks for primary, secondary and young adults. He is now a senior academic consultant at Cambridge University Press.