Inka 1 – 11:50 a.m.
Los Jardines
San Borja
Technology and the internet are powerful education tools since they offer many possibilities for English Language Teaching enhancing teachers’ effectiveness and for increasing students’ motivation and learning independence. We will discuss their importance -advantages and disadvantages, try out easy-to-use digital tools (IATEFL 2019), and share interesting web resources.
Juan Bustamante
English teacher since 2004 and Deputy Head of Centre since 2010. Holds FCE, CAE and ICELT certificates
Has attended the following international conferences: LABCI 2009 (Argentina) and IATEFL 2019 (Liverpool)
Milton Yupanqui
Británico teacher since 2005 and deputy head of centre for 11 years. Bachelor Degree in Medical Technology(UNMSM). MBA Graduate (UNMSM)
Cambridge ICELT and CPE
Has attended the following international conference: IATEFL 2019 (Liverpool)